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Beach Bucket Stations going back up on Sanibel

Jun 27, 2023Jun 27, 2023


Coastal Watch has partnered with the city of Sanibel and Bailey's General Store to install Beach Bucket Stations at beach access points on Sanibel — again. The stations were originally installed in July, but unfortunately all were lost during Hurricane Ian.

It reported that there has been an amazing effort from the city and residents to get the island beaches cleaned up after the storm. However, trash continues to be uncovered and washed in from the Gulf of Mexico. The goal of the project is to provide beach-goers both with a more convenient way to collect trash and act as reminder that everyone needs to do their part to keep the beaches clean.

"We hope people take advantage of this resource, as there is still a continuous flow of debris washing onto our beaches in addition to the hurricane debris still buried and scattered," Director Kealy McNeal said. "We’ve noticed many people stuffing trash into their pockets, tackle boxes, shell bags, et cetera, and we wanted to create an easier way to collect debris."

As of June 1, the stations that had been reinstalled are at Tarpon Bay Beach Access and Bowman's Beach (after the bridge). Those who participate in cleaning up can fill out a short survey to tell Coastal Watch what they collected and how much; a QR Code for the survey is on the stations and buckets.



Coastal Watch reported that stations will be installed at various access points on Sanibel, and volunteers are needed to help maintain them and report any issues. The responsibilities include:

– Checking for damaged or missing buckets

– Reporting any issues with the stations (broken hooks, scales, et cetera)

– Making sure trash has been removed from buckets

– Rinsing buckets if needed

To sign up to become a Beach Bucket Station monitor, visit

Coastal Watch is part of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation family.