Home / News / Academy offers forklift certification, filling a need in West Tennessee

Academy offers forklift certification, filling a need in West Tennessee

Oct 16, 2023Oct 16, 2023

JACKSON, Tenn. – A new academy is available in the Hub City.

The AllStar Training Academy is now taking in students, and Reggie Carrick, the owner and director, shared what they do.

"We provide forklift training and job placement, all types of logistics training for individuals," he said.

Carrick says they cater to everybody, but they also ensure no one is left to fall through the cracks.

"We also have a heart for people with barriers, such as felonies or any type of barrier, our homeless veterans. We really try to cater to them and help them get back on their feet," Carrick said.

The training provided at AllStar can open the door to several opportunities in the area.

Carrick mentioned Blue Oval coming, as well as many other businesses needing certified forklift drivers in the Jackson-Madison County area.

"Our goal here is to partner with a lot of local warehouses here in the city that will…you know, help our people get those jobs," Carrick said.

And Carrick says their work is already underway.

"I am doing work with the Dream Center, and actually, I have a couple of students here. We just formed a partnership with them. Really honored, you know to provide this training for those particular ladies," Carrick said.

Carrick says their goal in Jackson is just the same as in their home base, Memphis.

He says the process to start a new path is as easy as a phone call.

"So they give me a call. So we do appointments, of course. We do have tuition through the American Jobs Center. If they want to get in contact with me, they can give me a call at (731) 298-1018," Carrick said.

He says he can walk you through the process, and reiterates, a lot of funds can help you out with tuition assistance for those who qualify.

After classes, participants earn a license/certification.

"Everything is OSHA-compliant, is good for the next three years, and so they’ll receive a certificate and also they’ll receive a card," he said. "And one thing about my students, once they complete my training, they can always come back any time they like for training."

Carrick says classes are Monday through Friday, along with classes every other Saturday.

Classes are morning, afternoon and even late evening, Carrick said.

"We’re very sensitive to the need of our people because we know people have families and we know a lot of people may be in school," Carrick said.

You can stay up-to-date with the AllStar Training Academy on Facebook.

They can be found 44 Warehouse Courtyard Suite 120 in Jackson.

You can also reached their Memphis location at (901) 690-5677.

Find more local news here.

(731) 298-1018