Home / News / As downtown Redmond booms, parking becomes harder to find

As downtown Redmond booms, parking becomes harder to find

Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023


As Redmond continues to grow and new businesses pack into downtown, an old problem has been made worse in recent months.

It's harder than ever to find a place to park.

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Reporter: [email protected]


what has already happened in bend is now going to happen in redmond . parking downtown will cost money and or be limited to a few hours . the wealthy areas of town will require permits to park there . this is just the way it goes as towns experience growing pains becoming cities . . THE OREGONIZATION


THE OREGONIZATION by charles webster baer of redmond oregon usa earth on may 20 , 2023 .


the oregonization is an organization that I created today to organize oregonians politically and to allow us to spread the influcence of the oregon state government globally on line .

every city in oregon with a population over 10,000 should have a peoples committee within the local government . a peoples committee is a committee of the local city council that will have an online presence and have an infinite number of sub committees . this means that the opinions , ideas , thoughts , conserns , policies , strategies , and testimonies of all oregonians are heard , seen , smelled , felt , and tasted by the enitre species on line forever . in every peoples committee all over the world , the top ten sub committees will be as follows .


sub committee # 1


this is a totally transparent listing of exactly who is in charge of this local peoples committee and who is creating it and when they created it .

sub committee # 2


this is a totally transparent listing of the on line votes of who should be in charge of sub committee # 1 and all other on line votes about the concerns of the local residents

sub committee # 3


this is a totally transparent listing of all the financial transactions committed by the local , state , national and international governments on earth , past and present and projected future . this is also the place to create crypto currencies that will be entirely own and opperated by the local governments .

sub committee # 4


this is a totally transparent accounting of how local leaders are going to save the environment . we start with declaring that all humans of earth have the right to total and free access to all forms of birth control including abortion and birth control education . anyone who disagrees with this should not be allowed to hold any political office on earth . also , no human on earth should be allowed to reproduce more than once for the next few centuries . anyone who disagrees with this should not be allowed to hold any political office on earth , ever . this is the most important sub committee and the reason for the peoples committee in the first place . with out sub committee # 4 we are all peasants and a cancer on the earth . with sub committee # 4 we are now enlightened beings able to save the planet earth from destruction by the evil religious zombie facists .

sub committee # 5


this is a totally transparent sub committee to assure that all humans have total freedom of speech , total freedom of the press , on line and off line , total seperation of church and state ( 100% ) , total democracy , total access to address government leaders face to face , etc .

sub committee # 6


this sub committee is concerned with addressing the other needs and wants of the community

sub committee # 7


this sub committee is concerned with sponsoring and organizing local art , music , dance , theater , as well as festivals and political demonstrations .

sub committee # 8



THE OREGONIZATION by charles webster baer of redmond oregon usa earth on may 20 , 2023

THE OREGONIZATION is an organization to organize oregonians politically , socially , spiritually , emotionally on line and off line so that we can all make sure that the oregon state government properly represents itself to the world on line .

THE OREGONIZATION supports and as well as the united nations , the international monetary fund , the government of the USA , the government of the state of oregon , the political campaigns of charles webster baer of redmond oregon usa , and the legal and peaceful rights of all people to publically strive for equality , freedom and saving the earths environment from destruction by human overpopulation on the planet earth .

THE OREGONIZATION is a grass roots organic movement by the people of oregon to assure us that our thoughts and ideas and concerns are recorded on line as a historical document and as proof that we not only exist but that we also have much to contribute to the current political situation in our towns , in our state , in our country , on our planet , and in our universe .

THE OREGONIZATION will move forward to create a free and accessable government with logic and common sense for us and for all . the official stance is that government is to big and its size should decrease every year . also , the official stance is that no one on earth should be allowed to have more than on billion american dollars and anyone who does should be forced to immediately surrender that excess cash to his nations government .

thank you very much

charles webster baer

redmond oregon usa

541 699 9868

[email protected]

may 20 , 2023



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