Home / News / Croydon local 'wept buckets' as graveyard overrun by grass covers graves of loved ones

Croydon local 'wept buckets' as graveyard overrun by grass covers graves of loved ones

Jun 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023

A resident has slammed the council for the current conditions of the cemetery claiming it shows "no respect" for the dead

A Croydon resident has been left 'disgusted' after turning up to the cemetery of a loved one and seeing the conditions it was left in. After visiting the cemetery to pay respects, she couldn't believe the conditions of the cemetery and how it was left.

Croydon Crematorium is in Mitcham Road Cemetary with entrances on Mitcham Road and Thornton Road. It has 2 chapels, a garden of remembrance and a hall of remembrance.

After she visited the cemetery, resident Ann was in disbelief and expressed how she "wept buckets" at the scene. She has slammed Croydon Council for the lack of care shown for the graves.

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She told MyLondon: "This is the site that greeted us. Couldn't even see graves. I was heartbroken. Croydon Council obviously has no respect for departed souls. [It's] disgusting. [We] Always keep our family grave beautiful."

Croydon council have said that the spaces do need to be cared for and will be sending a dedicated team to the cemetery sometime this week to deal with the overgrown grass and weeds. The council now cuts the grass on a four to six-week cycle which also benefits the local environment as part of its grounds maintenance programme.

The new plan was meant to balance the need to keep parks, green spaces and verges looking tidy with the need to provide benefits for the local environment. However, scenes like those seen at Croydon Cemetary are not what residents expected and the council says they are "still adjusting" to the new schedule to ensure they meet local needs.

A council spokesperson said: "We understand how important it is to residents that these spaces are well cared for, and we will have a team on-site at Croydon Cemetery this week. We increased the frequency of grass-cutting boroughwide as part of a newly improved service last year. We are still adjusting the schedule to make sure we meet local needs, and bringing in extra resource where needed."

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