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New Braunfels Herald

Jul 26, 2023Jul 26, 2023

The Herald-Zeitung captured three first-place awards from the Texas Press Association this past weekend.

The New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung was honored with a trio of first-place finishes, as well as several other accolades, during this past weekend's Texas Press Association Convention and Trade Show held in Round Rock.

The Herald-Zeitung claimed first in advertising, as well as Best Website in the daily newspaper division. Former managing editor Chris Lykins took home first place in the editorial writing category.

"We are extremely proud of our staff, and these awards are just a small way of recognizing their dedication and talent," publisher Neice Bell said. "We strive to put forth the best newspaper possible, and it's always nice to be recognized for your efforts."

In addition to its three top honors, the Herald-Zeitung received fourth place in headlines and fourth place in news writing. Lykins and managing editor Tucker Stephenson shared the headlines award, while former writers Will Wright and Catherine Wilson shared the news writing honor.

During the annual Texas Managing Editors awards in April, Stephenson also claimed third place in the Designer of the Year category for Class 2A. The award honors overall page design.

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